Data Analytics
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How to streamline data generation for restaurant businesses in 2024 and beyond

In today's fast-paced fast-casual restaurant and food and beverage service industries, the efficient generation, understanding, and marketing automation of data are crucial to running, managing and expanding a fast casual restaurant business and brand.

A blog hero image to help visualize what data generation looks like for retail and restaurant businesses in 2024 and beyond

The right data and information and is crucial to strategic business decisions when implementing a product mix strategy, pricing strategy and customer marketing programs. It is also crucial to choosing the right sales channels for your business.

As technology systems evolve, businesses in restaurant and retail sectors are increasingly turning to sophisticated methods for streamlining data generation and automation. In the next five years, we can expect to see an increase in the use of marketing automation, large learning models, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and unified commerce solutions.

This guide explores how businesses in this sector can make the leap from static customer data management workflow processes to fully utilizing data into APIs, learning decision engines and actionable insights to make data-driven digital transformation a reality.

What is data generation and automation?

Data generation is the process of creating and collecting large data sets from different system sources. For businesses in the restaurant sector the common internal systems include CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and MIS (Marketing Information Systems).

External data sources, such as social media content and engagement, feedback and reviews, and digital advertising, can provide valuable information to help understand a brand's customer personas on a deeper level.

In the meantime, the value of in-store foot traffic is ever more crucial as consumer buying behavior patterns continue to shift between online and in-store sales channels. A combination of POS and guest WiFi data are clearly the easiest channels for restaurateurs to gain key informaton and insights about their customers.

A graphic with a callout in blue and teal that speaks to a 12% increase in customer spending for the restaurant sector.r

What are are the phases of data generation and  automation?

The process of data generation and automation is complex. To successfully implement your business transformation strategy, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the key components of data processing, management and automation.

Data Collection - Data collection is the process of collecting data from various data sources including documents, websites, system databases and third-party APIs. The data from these sources usually come in the form or unorganized or unstructured data. 

Data Transformation - Data transformation is the process of converting and organizing  extracted data for organization, analysis and use for the target system. For digital marketers, the target system could be a CRM system, while for the operations and finance teams, the target system could be the ERP system.  Data transformation requires an AI powered data extraction tool to efficiently interpret and extract valuable information from large amounts of unstructured data.

Data Loading -  Data loading is the process of cleaning and organizing extracted data for input into the target system. For example, the data source from your payment system translated to a CRM or MIS systems should include inputs that programmatically creates a new guest profile or updates an existing guest profile with new behaviors and information such as most recent engagement, last visit date, last purchase date, last sales channel used to purchase and last average total purchase to name a few.

Data Integration - Data integration is the programmatic process that involves consolidating data from multiple data sources into a single, coherent database or data warehouse. At this point, data automation plays a significant role in streamlining data flow across multiple systems. 

Data Quality Management - Data quality management involves the tasks of verifying data accuracy, ensuring data completeness, and maintaining data consistency. Data is best sourced through APIs, transformed and stored to your data warehouse. Meanwhile, data automation distributes the relevant information to your CRM, MIS or ERP systems.

Data Automation - Data automation is a crucial component of data management and processing. Data automation can seamlessly update information across systems used by your fast casual restaurant organization. This helps ensure accurate and consistent information is presented and understood by leaders and managers. 

Analytics and Reporting Tools - The analytics and reporting tools delivers actionable insights ranging from complex predictive analytics, trend identification and data visualization crucial for developing a product mix strategy, pricing, market expansion and site selection. 

Data Governance and Compliance - Ensuring data quality, security, privacy, and compliance with relevant laws (like GDPR or HIPAA) is a crucial component. This includes establishing policies and standards for data usage, implementing access controls, conducting regular audits, and staying informed about legal requirements.

Feedback Mechanisms - Feedback mechanisms are a crucial component of data processing, management and automation. It is the component that refines, assess, updates and re-trains AI powered data automation and learning language models. For example, one of your data collection mechanisms includes chatbot messaging with a guest about their most recent experience at the drive-thru. New information may require re-processing and updating of a specific data set in your target system. 

Human Oversight - Data automation is a powerful component of how teams in your organization makes their best decisions efficiently. Therefore, human oversight by data scientists, engineers and data analysts must remain an essential part of your data transformation implementation.

A graphic in blue and teal that speaks to the increase of purchase frequency by customers in the restaurant sector.

What are the benefits and uses of data generation and automation for fast casual restaurants in 2024 and beyond?

Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved accuracy: Data automation offers fast casual restaurants improved accuracy.  Automated data generation and data automation workflows allow for faster, more accurate analyses of customer transactions, which in turn help businesses make more informed decisions regarding their menu items and pricing strategies. For example, market basket analysis reports are useful in determining what product combinations customers prefer and which ones have higher rate of return. 
  • Increased productivity: Data automation can enhance team productivity by simplifying data workflows. For instance, analyzing the sales performance of new customers from different acquisition channels can provide valuable insights into the most effective channels. This information can then be used to inform decisions about advertising budgets and resource allocation for customer acquisition.
  • Experience and skill: As fast-casual restaurateurs and retailers enhance their data generation and automation workflows, it is crucial to employ individuals who can proficiently access the required data and implement digital transformation effectively.
  • Better decision-making: Data automation can help fast casual leaders and managers make more informed decisions by providing real-time actionable insights into their data.
  • Increased efficiencies: Data automation can help restaurant and retail teams be more efficient in implementing business strategies across the organization. 
  • Improved data security: Data automation can help organizations protect their data by implementing security measures such as encryption and access controls.  
  • Better data governance: Data automation can empower fast casual restaurants to elevate the quality and consistency of their data by implementing standardized processes and procedures.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Data automation can help fast casual restaurants deliver personalized and engaging customer experiences by recognizing patterns and actionable insights driving guest behavior.
  • Competitive advantage: Data automation can help restaurateurs and retailers gain a competitive advantage with accurate and timely trends analysis.

What are the limitations of data generation of automation today?

It is important to consider that data generation and data automation should not be the only basis for digital transformation. It has certain limitations, which include:

  • Data quality: Data automation is only as good as the available data from the source. If the data source is incomplete, then the automation is unable to update the target system with accurate information. 
  • Complexity: Data automation in a complex and fast-changing environment like a fast casual restaurant can be a complex process.  There are many factors to consider, such as the type of data sources to use,m which business strategy should be prioritized and how to measure success.
  • Cost: Data automation can be a costly project, especially if it is done on a large scale. The cost of the solution, technologies and resources can be significant. 
  • Change management: Data automation and digital transformation is disruptive to existing organizational workflows. It is important to start small or what we like to call an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to showcase success before rolling out a grand plan and program throughout the organization. 
  • Human oversight: Data automation does not replace the value of human leadership, managers and teams. Human oversight over data generation, data automation and digital transformation is essential to help ensure that goals and efficiency standards are on track. 
A graphic call out in blue and teal that talks about a 28% increase in average order value for the restaurant sector.

Best practices for data generation and automation in the fast casual restaurant and retail sectors

Here are some best practices to consider with data generation and data automation:

  • Start with a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. What is your goal in automating your data workflows? Are you a fast casual restaurant brand looking to expand your popular product to CPG sales and distribution?
  • Identify the suitable data sources and processes to automate. Not all data is created equal, and not all processes are worth automating. Where are your biggest opportunities for growth today? Is it driving brand awareness, customer marketing and expanding sales channels?
  • Choose the right tools and technologies. Every restaurant and retail technology system today highlights capabilities to drive automation and generate data. It is essential for your organization to choose the technology stack that fit your priorities and objectives.
  • Get buy-in from stakeholders. Digital transformation is a team effort, so getting buy-in from all your stakeholders, including business leaders, franchisees (if you're running a franchise organization), IT staff, and data analysts, is essential for success.
  • Implement the solution carefully and monitor its performance.  After implementing systems and establishing data flows, it would be important for the stakeholder team to monitor and apply the insights gathered to tactics. These tactics may include increasing the number of new subscribers, converting new subscribers into diners and buyers, and fostering customer loyalty among existing diners/buyers.
  • Document the data automation workflows. It is important to document the data automation workflow so it would be easy to update it in the future, if necessary. 
  • Monitor and respond to changes. It is important to monitor the data automation workflows for opportunities and risk factors for your business. As an example, measure the performance of your core customer acquisition channels. How many customers that are captured through acquisition channel 1 converting into a loyal customer vs. acquisition channel 2?

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your digital transformation goals are effectively supported by your data generation and data automation workflows and systems.

How do you choose the right data generation and automation solution?

Selecting the appropriate data automation tool involves carefully assessing several vital factors. First, consider your specific data automation needs and objectives, ensuring the tool aligns with the processes you aim to streamline.

Evaluate the compatibility with your existing systems and data sources, as seamless integration is vital. Look for user-friendly interfaces and intuitive functionalities that match your team's skill level.

Scalability is another crucial aspect; opt for a solution that can accommodate your organization's growing data demands. 

GoGoGuest is a restaurant and retail digital marketing AI platform that helps businesses utilize data automation for growing brand awareness, product marketing and unignorable customer engagement. GoGoGuest can assist in leveraging your data and insights, customer feedback, and content to enhance digital transformation.

Here are some of the advantages of using GoGoGuest as a restaurant and retail data automation tool with advanced AI capabilities.

  • GoGoGuest excels in processing unstructured data, such as guest data, purchase data and product data across customer communication and sales channels. Restaurant and retail organizations can gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions by automating the transformation of unstructured data into structured formats.
  • GoGoGuest offers seamless integration with existing systems and workflows, making it easy to implement and use. Let GoGoGuest clean unstructured data from different systems. GoGoGuest organizes unstructured data into structured data before sending it directly to systems that need them including CRM systems, email marketing, SMS marketing and loyalty programs.
  • Coupled with robust data security and compliance, GoGoGuest can safeguard sensitive information. The platform follows industry-standard security protocols and ensures data processing adheres to regulatory requirements, giving businesses peace of mind.
  • GoGoGuest deliver scalability, enabling organizations to handle large volumes of data efficiently and effectively. GoGoGuest can quickly adapt new business integrations as your business needs to evolve and scale. 
  • GoGoGuest CDP comes with 12 built-in reports and analysis. GoGoGuest Growth and Enterprise plans come with 12 built-in reports and analysis with the option to request for customized reports and analysis. Compare our plans.
  • GoGoGuest offers multi-channel customer engagement. GoGoGuest revolutionizes traditional restaurant marketing workflows by transforming heaps of data into customer segments and fully automating personalized messages driven by a customer's behavior or action.

If you are looking for a data automation tool with analytics, reporting content creation and engagement capabilities, GoGoGuest is an excellent option. With its advanced capabilities and features, GoGoGuest can help you automate your growth marketing and digital transformation workflows, improve data accuracy and gain valuable insights.

A graphic with images of Momofuku consumer product goods.

Case Studies

Restaurant Customer Acquisition and Optimization

Momofuku is an iconic restaurant brand that has successfully expanded its product offerings to its consumers. To be specific, the popular noodle restaurant based in New York City specifically marketed to consumers who dub themselves as home cooks.

The restaurant has raised a total of US$29 million in funding as part of a Series A in March, followed by a growth fund in September. 

Consistently attracting and acquiring new customers, while also driving customer value throughout the lifecycle can be a challenging task. How do you optimize customer value considering the high cost of customer acquisition?

Here's how Momofuku addresses the gaps to create customer value:

  • Be strategic with your data generation and customer acquisition
  • Deploy customer automation strategies that meet your business goals
  • Craft conversational customer content
  • Engage across channels (social media, digital media, email and sms marketing)
  • Use A/B testing to unlock your winning strategy

When your customer acquisition and engagement strategy is supported with data transformation, the results could deliver significant increases in customer lifetime value.

Momofuku saw a with a 12% rise in customer spending within 120 days of acquisition, a 28% increase in average order value, and an 8% increase in purchase frequency​.

Read the agency case study.


Streamlining data generation and data automation are essential tools for fast casual restaurants in 2024. As technology becomes increasingly advanced, restaurants need to embrace new technologies and methods in order to deeply understand and connect in meaningful ways with consumers. Request for a demo.

Jessica Valenzuela

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